Sale! MV020-Yellow-Green-Mosaic-Small

Yellow Green Mosaic Vase (Small)


Yellow Green Mosaic Vase (Small) | Glass – Limited Stock!

Stunning hand-made vase crafted from exclusive Mosaic Glass finished over a black/white base styling that will enhance any type of home décor.

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Stunning hand-made mosaic vase crafted from exclusive Mosaic Glass finished over a black/white base styling that will enhance any type of home décor. These beautiful and elegant vases will easily enhances the look of any living, garden, lounge, kitchen or any other area of your contemporary or modern home. Mosaic Vase also makes a perfect high quality gift for your friends and love ones. These hand-made Mosaic Vases offered by us are extremely beautiful and bright & are ideal to be used by those who want to create a bright ambiance in the décor as they are very jazzy.

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