What You Wish You Knew a Year Ago About Furniture Repair Singapore

What You Wish You Knew

Furniture is a natural byproduct; it tends to various damages with time. Such damages include move wear and tear, inappropriate setting, and microorganisms. These raise a question, where to go for furniture repair in Singapore?

Worry not! This blog focus on the things which you wish you know a year ago and the repair company to suit your requirements.

It does not matter you have Oak, Mahogany, Birch, Maple, or Walnut furniture. Still, it is prone to insect infestation. Termites, carpenter bees, and even ants are quite commonly known to tear a piece of furniture to dust over time.

If you are not sure your furniture has an infestation or not, check for wood powder. It is the first sign of damage. Then, call furniture repair in Singapore service for thorough fumigation.

Further, when moisture is present, mould, mildew, and fungi could grow. Keep in mind that fungi can really destroy your furniture to beyond repair.

With proper care, the growth of these creatures can stop! Some of the techniques, which a repairer uses to safeguard are eco resin, epoxy resin, hinges. These provide long-lasting protection.

Now, the three causes, which damages, but repairable:

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors—excess hot or cold conditions, direct contact with sunlight or rain. These can take away original allure and eloquence. With high-quality wood and polish, the decay could stop.


While moving furniture, a little inattentiveness can result in scratches, stains, and broken corners. And, if not careful enough, the charm and elegance go away by the time you will realize it’s better to ask for repair services.

Bio Predation

Bio predation is the term for microorganisms and animals that cause damage, but different from environmental problems. Such as rodents or lizards can slowly eat up the whole wood and leave you with some pieces of wood, with too much wood dust to clear.

On the final note, if you are tired of looking at your damaged furniture, now is the perfect time for you to hire furniture repair in Singapore service with DKS International.

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