Why is sofa reupholstery a better option than buying a new one?

Why is sofa reupholstery a better option than buying a new one-min

We tend to throw out our old furniture when we get new pieces. Instead of investing time and money into restoring used furniture, you may find it more convenient, expedient, and cost-effective to replace it with brand-new pieces. But reupholstering a piece of furniture that has seen better days or no longer fits your aesthetic is a green option that is often overlooked.

What’s better, new upholstery or reupholstering?

Before you go online or visit physical furniture stores because your old furniture looks drab, think about whether reupholstering or replacing it would be the best option. New upholstery and reupholstery have their benefits. If your current sofa isn’t of high quality and you want to change the size or style, purchasing a new one might be the better option, while reupholster sofa can save you time, hassle, and, in many cases, money.

Here are a few things to consider before deciding between a new upholstered sofa and sofa reupholstery:

An old craft:

As a skilled trade, upholstering requires a lot of physical exertion and isn’t very popular among today’s youth. This means that many skilled workers have retired without being replaced. Competition from China-made furniture has led to higher prices and delivery times. At the same time, lowering the amount of money consumers are willing to pay for the service.

Cost impacts:

When you factor in the cost of labour and fabric, reupholstering an item can get pricey fast. Re-upholstering is a great way to save money if you own a high-quality but out-of-date sofa or chair. Choosing a new fabric and having it reupholstered is a much better financial option than going out and purchasing a new item of comparable quality. You can find cheaper furniture, but reupholstering can save you money in the long-run.

An old and classic item:

Compared to their modern equivalents, antique pieces of furniture often have superior construction and a more attractive form. These items are commonly available at bargain prices at garage sales, thrift shops, and other venues. Reupholster sofa is an excellent option if you appreciate the item’s originality but are ready for a change. The same rules apply if you’ve inherited a vintage piece and want to make it fit better with your farmhouse decor.

Don’t like the fabric’s appearance:

You paid a lot for your sofa because you knew it was of high quality and liked how it looked and felt. If you already have a high-quality sofa but aren’t crazy about the fabric, re-upholstering it might be more cost-effective than buying a new one. Or, it’s so soft and inviting that you can’t bear to part with it, even if reupholstering it would be prohibitively expensive. Finding the perfect couch can be a challenge. Have it reupholstered if you already own it but the fabric is showing wear.

Customized item:

If you have unique, antique, or craftsman-made furniture, you’ll have difficulty finding a similar curtain or sofa without paying a ridiculous price. Keep sentimental pieces and rewrap them in a more modern fabric rather than discarding them. When buying new furniture, many options fit your vision. When you reupholster, you can choose any fabric, pattern, and style that complements the space.


You’re the type who can take their time and do things themselves, so you decide to upholster a chair or make a slipcover for an old couch. It might be the most cost-effective choice if your fabric is relatively inexpensive. If you have the time, patience, and skills, there are tutorials online for doing sofa reupholstery yourself using inexpensive drop cloths.

Like change:

Most consumers prefer to purchase brand-new items. You can start fresh with a new set of design options for your ideal farmhouse.

Things to consider while reupholstering your sofa:

Whether you decide to reupholster your sofa or buy a new one, you should consider its resale value before making any final decisions. It is always worthwhile to reupholster your furniture without a broken or damaged frame. You help out the professionals in your neighbourhood, and you prevent perfect furniture from ending up in a landfill. Rather than buying brand-new pieces whenever the upholstery gets a little worn, you can repair them instead.

Get in touch with an upholsterer in your area to get an expert opinion on whether or not your sofa is worth reupholstering. They’re the ones who can give you the most honest assessment of whether or not your couch can be saved or if it’s time to upgrade. Get a quote for the sofa reupholstery work from the upholsterer, and compare it to the cost of a brand new sofa. When the cost of reupholstery is low enough, it makes sense. This is how you can decide whether or not it is better to buy a new couch than have your old one reupholstered.

What factors impact the price of reupholstering a sofa?

Do you know why such a big gap exists between the lowest and highest reupholstery prices?

There is the fact that different companies have different pricing structures, but there are also other considerations:

  • Pricing for upholstered furniture can vary widely depending on the fabric chosen. Your fabric’s cost will depend on its quality, as well as its texture, colour, and material.
  • The quantity of fabric is also an essential factor. In contrast to a full sofa, a single cushion requires significantly less stuffing.
  • The price of labour varies from seamstress to seamstress and business to business, depending on factors such as the complexity of the project, the number of employees working on it, and the amount of time they estimate it will take to complete.
  • The cost will also be affected by the nature of the fabric. Whether or not the fabric is tufted, this process requires more time, effort, and special equipment, which is reflected in the cost.
  • The price also varies based on the amount of work required to re-stuff the cushions and the type of stuffing you opt for.


After reading this, you might have changed your mind about getting new furniture or having your sofa reupholstered. It is still advised to make a pros and cons list before settling on a final choice. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of reupholster sofa versus purchasing a new one.

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